Sunday, August 3, 2014

A Life of Powerful Reminders

A life of powerful reminders...

This post is going to serve as more of a catharsis than anything specific.  

I have spent my life in marvel at how often you are given the signs and reminders you need.  At the exact same time, I still feel the guilt and embarrassment of past decisions and mistakes.  People who are able to live with the mantra of "no regrets" amaze me.  How does one get that much self confidence?  

As the journey of life leads you to a number of dead ends, crossed paths, wrong directions, and sometimes apparent drop offs or sink holes, you may feel frustrated.  I live my life in color...or so I like to think.  As I go through my daily activities, I try to find the blessings.  Sometimes, the only blessings I see in a day are the smiles on other peoples' faces.  That alone gives me enough hope to fall asleep and try again the next day.  On those days, I look around and I feel enough excitement from my friends to outweigh the negativity "gifted" to me by others.  Have you ever seen a quote, listened to lyrics, or connected to another person's story in a way that it screams at your heart?  That may sound absurd, but those are the powerful reminders that I am talking about.   

Last night I fell asleep insecure and anxious.  I woke up, made my coffee and set out to start a fresh, new day.  On a simple Sunday, I find great relaxation in a little bit of pinterest, pandora, and catching up with family.  I was browsing quotes and this one jumped out at me.  

No one can 
you feel 
without your 
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Hm...All of these years I have been giving others consent for making me feel inferior.  Now, as I saw this, I first took it at face value.  I started to feel frustrated and wondering why I gave power and energy to people who are breaking me down rather than building me up.  Then, out of nowhere, I was slapped with another reminder. I can look at the quote frustrated, or I can use the quote to love more generously.  I will work to taste my words before I speak them. I will work to build people up.  I will work to spread these powerful reminders with those who need them.  

This is where it gets interesting. 

I kept browsing pinterest and pondering.  I am one of those annoying reflective types, you know.  The type of person who will think about something until there are no more thoughts to be had.  I will make a poor decision when I am 14 and  still be thinking about it at 25.  I will say something without social grace and still be wondering if I had hurt someone's feelings.  Anyways, I stumbled upon a biblical verse that stopped me in my tracks.  

Watch, stand fast
Be brave. Be strong.
Let all that you do
be done with LOVE

I Corinthians 16: 13-14 

Whoa... easier said than done...right?! 

Then I thought some more.  Go figure
The three words that I highlighted were bold as I read them.  Not in the text I saw, but in my head.  They burned into my memory and emblazoned themselves in my heart. 

"Watch."  What a reminder in itself.  Watch for reminders.  Watch for love.  Watch for character.  Watch for joy.  In moments of your sadness, the light of others will pull you through. 

"Faith."  Have faith.  Show faith.  Profess faith.  Live faithfully.  Whether you have faith in others, yourself, or something greater, faith matters.  When your world seems hopeless or your heart is hurt, faith will be the one steadfast gift you are given.  

"Love." Love generously.  Love freely.  Love yourself.  Love others.  Love blessings.  Love discomfort.  Love openly. Yes, you read that correctly.  Loving discomfort will show that you are willing to grow and love in a new way.  Loving discomfort will prove to yourself that you understand the negativity, but are looking towards positivity.  That's a tough one...but if you can do it faithfully and watch others for inspiration, you'll be golden. 

So, in the does someone get so much confidence to not continually feel the negativity of regret?  Don't give consent to negativity.  Feel it, reflect on it, learn from it and move on.  Watch faithfully and continue to love.  Our life is not a sprint, but it's a marathon.  If we wear ourselves down to quickly, we've got a long road ahead. 

Here's to endurance through a life of terrifying downs & gratifying ups.  Here is to living so faithfully that even when we feel hurt, embarrassed and inferior, we have the power to push forward and continue to do what makes us happy.  


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Life's Messages

Happy 2014 Ya'll! 

I am starting this year feeling hopeful yet patient, excited yet withdrawn, and persistent yet relaxed.  The thought of those conflicting feelings may sound chaotic, but from prior experience, I have learned that in order to feel extraordinary emotions, you must also feel the opposite.  The conundrum of emotions and feelings that fill my heart and mind are an indicator that 2014 may provide a year beyond my imagination.  

God provides you with every message you need to guide your life. He does not anticipate me spending my earthly hours only searching for clues and asking for help, but he calls me to trust his plan.  Perhaps you could look at past experiences and agree?  2014 has already begun with a number of moments that I believe will provide me the momentum to withstand all obstacles the year provides and also recognize all of the greatness the next 12 months could present. 

Today alone two sayings have stood out to me. 

"Bloom where you are planted" 

So often we have set or roots so deep in one place that when opportunities arise we are fearful.  We are set to control our environment rather than allow our lives to develop along the paths of something greater.  As I look back, each move that I have made has created one aspect of my personality.  I now have friends, confidants, and role models that live in many states.  I now understand that it is not a state, a city, a town, or a house that builds a home. It is not just blood and genetics that make family.  It is not just elementary, middle, or high school nor college that make friends.  We as individuals make the choices necessary to either flourish or fail.  Each move I have made in life has blessed me beyond belief.  The people I have met have filled my heart with joy and inspiration.  I am better because of my journey.

"God has chosen you to show great love." 

Sermons are often motivational, but this one phrase I heard resounding in my heart and head. I kept thinking to myself, remember gotta write that down!  What a powerful message.  I have always been a spiritual person and I cherish my conversations of prayer that I hold silently each day.  I am not normally the type to be very vocal about my religious beliefs, but I find comfort surrounding myself with others who have also found a "home" in a group of spiritually like-minded people, AKA a church.  Am I sometimes a really crappy christian?  Absolutely.  Do I swear too much?  Yes- the F-word is sometimes a term of immense emotion & not my proudest piece of vocabulary.  Do I judge too quickly?  Of course.  I am human and each day I am attempting to figure out what "normal" is... I've yet to figure it out and maybe that's because I don't fit that mold.  Fortunately, among all of those qualities I have found many that I like.  After 20-some years I have learned to like myself, leave regrets in the past, and propel myself forward even with mistakes.  I listened to this message and I thought, I love love.  I really love love.  Do I show enough love?  I'm not sure.  I hope I tell people that I love them often enough.  I hope that the kids I work with at school and through coaching understand that I truly take interest in them and they hold a piece of my heart.  

This reminder has given me a new challenge.  Focus less on "things" and more on LOVE.  Write notes about what's important.  Hold hands.  Give pats on the back and smiles.  Hold doors.  Call more often.  Send e-mails.  Give compliments.  Focus on the good, or better yet, great in each person I meet.  Pay it forward.  Laugh a lot.  Give lots of hugs.  Kiss my husband longer.  Put down my phone and pick up a conversation.  Ask questions.  Listen & learn from others.  Be a friend to all in need.  Find patience with people I don't understand. Do my best to be better.  

I hope you have seen 2014 off to a great start.  Have you seen any clues or messages that could be used to guide the year? If you have, please share in the comments.  I'd love to read them.  
