Saturday, March 30, 2013

Cup of Coffee and Politics :)

hello friends:) 

Thank you for your patience... I know that I have neglected my blog and some of you may have noticed.  I have been waiting until something grabbed me and made me feel like I needed to write. Today I have a number of things that I would like to spew into words.  I am warning you ahead of time, I am writing with words that are going to argue tolerance, civic action, and love.  If any of those three things scare you, well, you might want to find a more subdued blog to read.  

Of course it has been posted all over the internet and therefore people are either going to be grabbed into the political arguments in American society or they are going to push themselves further away from politics.  It always blows my mind when I hear people's arguments against same sex marriage.  Below, I list the top 8 reasons that drive me the most crazy and my counter analysis of those beliefs... (I originally thought it'd be 5, but as I wrote I couldn't leave out certain points.

  1. Nurture:  "People choose to be gay and therefore are choosing to not want to be a part of the norm."  
    1. Counter-argument:  To begin, this is absolute nonsense.  When there are children growing up who know that there is something different about their attraction to the opposite sex or same sex, this argument is already pointless.  However, for the sake of really blowing this argument to pieces I am going to take an different perspective.  There are a number of things I choose in my life.  One of which is my religion.  I choose to go to a certain church and have a certain relationship with God.  It is stated very clearly in our U.S. Constitution that I can not be discriminated against based on my religion.  In fact, we have created this country based on looking for more religious freedom.  American mind-set tells us that we should be able to choose our faith and live accordingly.   If indeed people "chose" to be a part of the LGBT community, wouldn't this fall into that category?  Personal choice is personal choice.  It is the American way for us to imagine our own dreams, form our own ideas, and live the way we see fit.  If I was someone who "chose" to be in the LGBT community I would be outraged by the religious mumbo-jumbo that would bar me from uniting with my soul mate.  In the case of personal choice, I choose to be an ally.  In the case of personal choice, I choose to emphasize inclusion and love rather than separation and hate. 
  2. Nature: People are born this way. <-- in this case, this is a reason that I believe and my following explanation is merely more of an explanation rather than arguing against the statement. 
    1. I was born female.  The law protects me from gender discrimination.  I was born white and others were born black.  The law protects us from discrimination on the basis of race.  If someone is born with a genetic disposition towards a certain sexual orientation, the law should protect them as well.  If the law has no reason to be a part of that discussion and states should have that choice, then why don't we repeal the laws that allow me and the rest of the women in the United States achieve better workplace equality.  Why don't we go back to allowing states choose whether separate is equal.  
  3. "It degrades the meaning of marriage and I am offended that the definition of marriage would change." 
    1. Ugh, this one gets me fired up.  To make it more clear, I have a number of counter arguments.
      1. I can go online and be ordained a minister for $50 and it would take about 10 minutes to fill out the application.  If marriage is solely a religious institution, these sites should be shut down.  Ironically, religious fundamentalists aren't putting their time and effort into shutting those down. 
      2. Thousands of people get married in Vegas each week.  You can be totally intoxicated and get married by a fat Elvis and that is legal.  If that is the case, those marriages may be formed out of impulsiveness rather than love.  Ironically, those little chapels and that fat Elvis are allowing someone be a husband and a wife and it doesn't have to do with a church.  But, it is a man and a wife at least so...that makes it better?---what a crock of bologna. 
      3. Any heterosexual couple can walk into a court house, stand before a justice of the peace and become husband and wife.  Many people whom do not associate with a particular church choose this option.  This is not a religious institution.  Does that make the institution of marriage mean less?  That has been happening for years so that couples can maintain the government protection and benefits of marriage.  Why aren't religious groups picketing outside of the court house trying to shut that down?
        1. Should we call that a different name?  That doesn't protect the religious institution of marriage... maybe all heterosexual couples should be left out of that label if they choose to get married in a setting different than a church.
  4. "I am going to vote based on personal convictions" 
    1. No one asked for advice or an opinion.  The purpose of government is to guide and protect all of the American people... The purpose was never to make choices for and raise the American public a certain way. 
      1. That's funny because shouldn't you be voting based on the purpose of government?  Aren't your personal convictions what you would do?  Isn't it true that we still do not have a government system that represents the full diversity of its constituents?  Therefore, your personal convictions should guide your decisions and how you raise your children, but the rest of the American public did not welcome your opinion or ask, "what would you do?"  They already know what they would like to do, and they just want the freedom to DO WHAT THEY WANT. 
  5. "My church believes that marriage is between a man and a woman. 
    1. Fortunately for you, your church does not have to change its stance and therefore can continue to leave the LGBT community out of that ceremony.  The sanctity of marriage in your church never has to change.  The only thing that would change would be the option of using the justice of the peace or $50 online ministers to complete the ceremony and sign a marriage certificate. 
  6. From Attorney Cooper's (defense for the state of CA) own argument... "Marriage is an institution put in place by the state to regulate procreation and families." 
    1. 37,000 babies in the state of California are being raised by same sex couples thanks to the adoption process.  If they are respectful and responsible enough to raise those children, why can't they sign the damn marriage license and be called husband and husband or wife and wife.  The state is considering families there...but I am missing something in the state's logic. 
      1. On top of that, we have thousands of kids in the foster system in each state.  Wouldn't it be nice to provide them a stable home?  
    2. Apparently, if marriage is about procreation, couples that don't ever want to have children shouldn't be allowed to get married.  This should be a box on the marriage license application.  "Yes or No:  We plan to have children at some point during this union (if no, please tear up application)" 
    3. Apparently, if marriage is about procreation, elderly couples or widows shouldn't be able to remarry.  Or at least only women... sorry ladies but there comes a time when our biological clocks run out and at that point, according to this argument we serve no benefit to state.  
  7. "This is not a decision to be made by the government" 
    1. Exactly.  That is what marriage equality would be adding to American society.  The freedom to choose and protection do so.  It does not say that each person must now marry an individual of the same sex.  This would just ensure that people are able to do as they please. 
    2. If you don't like government regulation in business and our free market, then why do you like government intervention in your community, home, relationships, and doctors office?  You either like big government or you don't.  
  8. "Marriage is better between a man and a woman" 
    1. Explain to me the almost 50% divorce rate between man and a woman?  Trust me, it wasn't just bad math. 
    2. Explain the high rates of domestic violence. 
    3. Marriage between a man and a woman isn't always good.  Neither will same sex marriage, but don't try and use this argument.  It makes no sense. 
    4. Maybe it's better for you.  Then feel free to marry the opposite sex. :)  No one is stopping you! 
There has never been a time in history that it was cool to be intolerant or close-minded.  That has never stopped Americans from falling into trends of prejudice and discrimination. When I teach my students I focus on the social changes that have occurred throughout our history.  We are still a young country.  We are still trying to figure out the place and purpose of our government; however, I can assure you that when we look back on this ruling 40 years from now, we will notice that it is common sense.  It makes absolutely no sense why would try to step into someone's personal decision making.  Consider the rulings on inter-racial marriages.  Is so clear that it would be wrong to have that law on the books, so why is same sex marriage any different? 

Now, if you have made it this far and are still reading, I'd beg to argue that many of those arguments could be used in support of the pro-choice movement.  What many don't believe is that is absolutely possible to be a pro-choice individual who is part of the pro-choice movement.   Would abortion be an option that I would consider?  No... but do I think I or a government figure have the right to decide for someone else?  Absolutely not.  That is a decision that should be made with a woman, the father of the child, her doctor, and her God.  We haven't been able to pass legislation that protects all of the children here right now...why would we have states (ND included) that don't fund sex education or when they do, fund abstinence only, but take away safe options.  Historically, when we outlaw something, people do it anyways and it is generally more dangerous.  Precisely why Prohibition failed.  

Here is an idea, instead of making legislation on the decision, why don't we fund more education for youth regarding the safe practices of sex and character development.  Why doesn't our government work to find constitutional legislation that could help raise our communities and children better?  Why don't we spend millions on youth centers and safe entertainment for adolescents rather than litigation.  When I ask youth why they spend their weekends partying, which at some point is going to either include or bring up the option of sexual activity, they say it is because "there is nothing to do in this town."  I'd have to agree.  American teens are maturing much more quickly these days due to popular culture.  Either we start to adapt the current system to align with their specific needs, or we are bound to have a generation of very sexually uneducated individuals producing a consequently under-cared for generation of babies.  I would say that has a higher moral benefit for the good of our country and it would also serve as a institution to help regulate procreation in a positive manner.  This is the same discussion that the Scopes v. Monkey trial had when a science teacher wanted to teach Darwinism and evolution to his students and the supreme court had to rule.  If you don't want your kid to sit in sex education, don't sign the permission slip.  They will just google their questions later.  Hopefully the wiki answer they find about contraception helps them protect themselves.  For the rest of the parents that are too afraid to bring up the topic of sex to their kids, you know they will at least hear the birds and the bees from someone.   That would be constitutional.  More constitutional than ruling over a woman's body.  As far as I know I am not required by the law to donate my organs, to donate blood, to provide any other body part to support the rest of society, so therefore my body is still my decision.  Like I said earlier, it is okay to be a pro-life individual in the pro-choice movement... I swear to you.  Raise your children accordingly and mold the minds of youth so that they can hopefully not put themselves in the situation of making a decision on abortion.  Raise them to love all life, fetus, elderly, gay, straight, or anything in between.  Then we can reduce the numbers of lives lost due to those procedures... but don't put your religious convictions into the conversation that would rule over millions of people, people who may not read the Bible at all or the same way as you.  

Last question, why does Dennis Rodman no more about Kim Jong Un than our CIA.  If that doesn't scare people, I don't know what would.  North Korea makes me nervous.  The fact that we don't hear enough about it in the states scares me.  I live on the continental United States, which I know we say they don't have the capabilities to hit, but they do have mobile missiles.  Throw that thing on a boat and your in business.  I also have family stationed in South Korea along with thousands of other military personnel.  I want them kept safe.  At this point, I don't want the news to protect me, I want them to educate me on the realness of the situation. 

We are living in an interesting time period my friends.  Within the next months and year there will be changes happening both in this country alone and globally.  The inter-connectiveness of people has increased so greatly that we really are dependent and reliant on not only ourselves these days, but the government and the other countries of the world. 

Feel free to leave comments.  We live in the United States of America and differing perspectives makes democracy happen.  I hope that I raised good points and even if you don't agree with me on the fundamental issues that you were forced to think a little about my arguments.  God speed and God Bless on this Easter weekend.  For my fellow Christians, we are blessed to have had Jesus die for our sins and provide for us the life that we are living.  Afterall, he knew and loved us all in the womb and created us according to his plan...even the LGBT, pro-choice community, North Korea, and Dennis Rodman ;)  That sure makes this life we live interesting and thought provoking! 

Love you all!  